University Research Council Faculty Research & Creative Grant
An Evaluation of School-Based Consultation, Behavioral Parent Training, and Systematic Direct Observations Through Videoconferencing
2015 Funding Incentive Seed Grant
Developing and Evaluating an Interactive Web-Based Classroom Management Application for Teachers of Students with Behavioral and Social-Emotional Problems
Using Telehealth to Assess and Treat Pediatric Feeding Disorders in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Society for the Study of School Psychology
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, Behavioral Parent Training, and Systematic Direct Observations Telepresence Robots
Lawrence T. & Janet T. Dee Foundation
MTSS for behavior and school mental health; contracts through Canyon, Granite and Salt Lake City School Districts.
Training School and Counseling Psychology Graduate Students on Evidence-Based Mental-Health Treatments in Schools
Promoting Utah Teacher Retention Through Effective Classroom Management
2019-2020 Collaborative Grant from ULEAD Education Co-Investigators: Keith Radley, PhD (U of U) and Tyler Renshaw, PhD (USU)