Holy Cross Ministries Health Outreach
Margarite Allen, Health Outreach Program Manager, Call (385) 257-2423 English, Spanish, & Portuguese |
Take Care UtahProvide both remote and local free assistance with health insurance enrollment.
Call 2-1-1 or visit website and enter zip code to receive assistance. English, Spanish |
Association of Utah Community HealthThe Health Insurance Premium Support (HIPS) program pays all or part of the monthly health insurance premium for eligible individuals and families.
Call (801) 974-5522 or find enrollment assistance near you online. English, Spanish |
84104Free/ Low-Cost Clinic Neighborhood Clinic website link 84108Low-Cost Dental Clinic University of Utah Dental Clinic website link 84115Sliding Fee Scale Clinic Midtown Community Health Center Salt Lake Clinic website link 84116Low-Cost/Free Clinic Stephen D. Ratcliffe Clinic+Dental website link |
8410484115Sliding Fee Scale Clinic University of Utah South Main Clinic website link 84116Low-Cost/ Free Urgent Care Clinic Intermountain N Temple Clinic (801) 359-0901 84118Low-Cost/Free Clinic Oquirrh View Clinic website link |
84107Free Clinic Maliheh Free Clinic website link 84115Low-Cost/Free Clinic Lincoln Elementary School Clinic (801) 408-3585 84116Low-Cost/ Free Community Clinic Rose Park Elementary School Clinic (801) 364-2434 84120Low-Cost/Free Clinic Ellis R. Shipp Clinic website link |
Call (816) 201-1569
First Hand Foundation's application-based case grant program provides funding for children to receive needed care, which often improves or even saves their lives. This program provides: Financial assistance for health needs, equipment, displacement lodging (only if charitable housing is available), parking & transportation for child's care , and vehicle modifications.
Call (866) 435-7414
This program provides Medicaid coverage for children from birth through the month the child turns age six. This program provides: - Health Insurance. To apply for this program, follow the application process on the website.
Call (866) 435-7414
Child 6 - 18 Medical covers children from age 6 through the month they turn 19. Children do not have to live with a relative to be covered.
Call (866) 435-7414
The Child Under Age 1 Medicaid provides Medicaid coverage to children from birth to twelve months. Mothers who were not on Medicaid when the baby was born may apply after the birth. If the mother is determined eligible for Medicaid back to the date of the baby’s birth, the baby will receive one year of coverage. Application for a Social Security card will be requested, but isn’t required.
Call (877) 543-7669
CHIP is a state health insurance plan for uninsured Utah kids and teens. This program ensures that uninsured Utah children are protected in events of medical emergencies.
English, Spanish
Click link above for info
The Child Medically Needy Program covers children who do not meet the Family Medicaid lack of support requirements and whose household income is more than the Child 0-5 and Child 6-18 income limits. Lack of support requirements means that the child lacks at least one parent's support due to death, absence, inability to work or because the Primary Wage Earner (the parent who earned the most in the last 2 years) is unemployed or working less than 100 hours a month.
Click link above for info
Our Co-Pay Assistance Programs help with leukemia-related medical bills that are listed under our Covered Treatments and Services. Upon approval of each claim, payment will be made to the patient, guardian or medical provider. Our programs are open for enrollment every January 1st on a first-come/first-serve basis until they become full.
Click link above for info
The Aubrey Rose Foundation helps families with children who are currently living with a life-threatening medical condition. If a family has outstanding medical bills that insurance will not cover, our Foundation can possibly help out a family in need until our annual funds have been exhausted.
Click link above for info
CORE provides support to food and beverage service employees, with children, who have been medically diagnosed with COVID-19 and experiencing financial hardship.
English, Spanish
Click link above for info
Gabby’s Gift aims to provide families with a child fighting a cancer diagnosis with some financial relief. This on-time gift can be financial assistance for household expenses, provide travel assistance, or provide an item for the child that the parents can’t afford due to treatment costs. Services include: Financial assistance
Click link above for info
Help Me Bounce provides a lifeline to families facing a medical crisis and allows donors to make a direct impact.
Families apply for aid on Help Me Bounce and are approved based on our program guidelines. To begin their campaign, families create funding goals indicating what they are raising money for, for how much, and for how long. Not only is Help Me Bounce meant to be a source of financial support, but also a network of hope and encouragement as families face the difficulties of a medical crisis. English
Call (786) 505-3914
Live Like Bella provides financial assistance to children who are battling cancer. This program provides:- Financial assistance. Financial assistance can be provided for: - Medical copays - Basic needs - Gas - Groceries - Utilities. You can find the application for services on the website.
Click link above for info
Utah Department of Workforce Services offers to sign up families for Medicaid while not qualifying for Parent and Caretaker Relatives (PCR), Adult Expansion Medicaid, 4-Month Extended or Family 12-Month Transitional because of income or other reasons. This program provides: Health insurance
Call (469) 441- 1485
The Parker Lee Project helps fill the gap when insurance does not cover supplies needed for children with medical needs. Especially the ones insurance deems a 'luxury,' although actually essential. Supplies we offer: Enteral, Trach, Incontinence, Oxygen tubing and cannulas -IV tubing and care supplies, General Supplies, Diabetic Supplies, Suction Catheters, Mouth Care, etc.
Call (727) 946-0963
Wheelchairs 4 Kids provides wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications as well as other assistive and therapeutic devices for children that have limited mobility due to illness, accident or abuse. It is our goal to allow all kids to participate in life fully.
Call (800) 532-7667
The MSAA MRI Access Program assists with the payment of cranial and c-spine MRI scans for qualified individuals who have no medical insurance or cannot afford their insurance costs and require the exam to help determine a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or evaluate current MS disease progression.
English, Spanish
Call (801) 539-1013
The American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program awards cash grants to minor children of current active duty or American Legion members. Financial assistance can be provided for:- Shelter - Food - Utilities - Health expenses
Call (800) 675-8416
HealthWell Pediatric Assistance Fund is specifically designed to provide financial assistance to eligible families so their children can start or continue critical, often life-saving medical treatments, they desperately need. The Pediatric Assistance Fund helps with prescription drug or biologic therapies, devices or other treatment cost shares related to various diseases.
Call (866) 435-7414
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) works to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma as well as to improve the quality of life of patients and their families. We exist to find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients. LLS offers a wide range of free educational and support programs for patients, their families, caregivers and healthcare professionals.
English, Spanish
Call (303)436-1224
The Shannon Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping to pay for medical care for children whose families can't afford it. Formed in 1994 in memory of Shannon Fisher, who passed away as an infant, The Shannon Foundation believes that no child or infant should suffer because his or her family cannot afford to pay for medical care.
Call 1 (888) 222-2542
This program provides medical assistance to children who are medically complex. The purpose of the program is to support children with complex medical conditions and their families in order to allow them to receive services and remain in the home or community.